March 2016 meeting

The theme of the meeting in March was the budget. Below you can read the presentations given to the meeting. You can also read the results of group work discussion by partnership board members.

  March  minutes


Get the  March minutes here.



Presentation 1Ellen gave a presentation to the meeting about the learning disability budget. Read it here.

It showed how the learning disability budget is spent and explained where the budget is under pressure.



Care providers made a presentation to the meeting. They explained to the board the financial pressures that care providers are facing.

Read their presentation here.



Rights2The self advocacy network gave it’s feedback to the board. They told the board about this year’s conference in Blackpool and plans for learning disability week.

They also had some questions about the budget.

Read their feedback here.




Board members discussed the issues in groups.

You can read what they came up with here.






A summary of actions from the meeting are here.





The North Lancs Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disability Group (PIMD) said they would like to get together with interested people in other areas of Lancashire. If other people joined them they could become a sub group of the Lancashire Board.


Read about the group.


Read a report from the group.